Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Are Awesome At...

One of the first things we worked on in Room 305 was talking about our strengths and areas of need.

Each Zombie Squirrel made a poster listing something they do really well and something they are still working on.

I have noticed that the members of 305 are awesome at reading...

I have never had a class who LOVES to read and can focus so hard on DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time in the very first week of school.

This should help us, because we are still really working on...

...using our basic writing skills to write good sentences and paragraphs;

...completing our very best work every day; and

...communicating through the written word.

Every night, students should spend at least 20 minutes reading a great book. Since we are already awesome readers, I think that each student should also spend 10-15 minutes writing.

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